Attracting Top Talent: Why Consistency in Your Digital Footprint Matters
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Author: Brian Lawler
Black Sparrow Business Coaching & Consulting
Recruitment Strategist | Leadership Coach | Mindset Mentor

Attracting potential candidates to your job opportunities is a massive challenge. As of the time of writing, there are 239,157 jobs advertised on alone, and that’s just one of over 50 job boards advertising roles across Australia.

The competition for candidates’ attention is intense.

According to, over 7,500 recruitment agencies operate in Australia, employing more than 22,500 professionals. This fierce competition makes it increasingly difficult to capture the attention of top talent.

Now, add the current candidate-short market to the mix, and the challenge becomes very real. However, there is a way forward—it all starts with understanding how you’re perceived in the market by potential employees.

Your Digital Footprint: A Critical Component of Talent Acquisition

Our digital footprints are ever-growing, often without our knowledge or consent. Today, prospective employees can dig deep into your corporate identity, learning what you do, why you do it, who is doing it, and, perhaps most importantly, what others think of your work.

This is where talent management comes into play. To effectively attract top talent, it’s crucial that your messaging is not only clear but also consistent across all platforms.

The Importance of Congruency in Your Messaging

This may sound obvious, and I may seem like I’m teaching you to suck eggs, but just hear me out.

I challenge you to take a small yet vitally important step in mastering the art of attraction. Whether you’re currently hiring or not, take the time to review if your messaging is consistent across the marketplace—who you are, what you do, who you do it for, and why you’re the best at it.

Why? Because prospective employees are looking for this consistency even before they apply to your job advert. That’s right—candidates are researching you inside and out long before they click “apply.”

A Call to Action: Review Your Messaging

So, here’s my call to action: Once you finish reading this, start reviewing your content on each platform where you have a presence. Ensure that your messaging is consistent, relevant, and up to date, reflecting where your business stands today.

Make sure you review your messaging across the following platforms:

  • Job Advertisements: Ensure your job ads reflect your company’s values and mission.
  • Website: Is your website up to date with the latest information about your business?
  • LinkedIn Profile: Your LinkedIn profile should align with your overall branding and talent acquisition strategy.
  • Facebook Pages: Keep your social media pages in sync with your corporate identity.
  • Google Reviews: Monitor and manage your online reputation—this is often a key factor in employee retention.
  • Interview Messaging: The way you communicate during interviews should mirror the consistency found in your public messaging.

Bonus Tip: Tailor Your Message to the Platform

Before you think it’s as simple as a quick cut-and-paste of your company’s mission statement, stop right there and think again. Spend some time considering who your audience is on each platform and speak to them in the platform’s language.

Incorporating your message with consistency and congruency isn’t just about repeating the same body of text everywhere you look. It’s about conveying your message to the audience or potential employee you serve, in a way that resonates with them on each specific platform.


In the highly competitive world of talent acquisition, having a consistent and congruent digital footprint is essential. By aligning your messaging across all platforms, you not only enhance your recruitment strategy but also improve employee retention and engagement. Whether you’re a talent acquisition specialist, partner, or simply looking to refine your approach, remember: consistency is key to attracting and retaining the best talent.